Traffic Signs Factory

20 years ago, VISEVER commenced its journey in the manufacture of vertical signage sector for roads and highways with the most innovative technical resources to produce any signage element in both steel and aluminum plates.

Following a manufacturing agreement with 3M® Spain, the world leader in reflective materials, we can assure a total guarantee in the process of manufacturing all our traffic signs in full compliance with existing norms and regulations.





This sign, made of galvanized steel, is the most common installed element and it is placed mainly in Highways, conventional roads and urban environments. Due to its composition, these signs provide a remarkable resistance against deformation. We control all the process from cast-cutting, painting, sticking the reflecting sheets and packaging.



From the beginning of traffic signs production, VISEVER manufactures aluminum signs that are widely used in urban areas as it is a much lighter sign and better aesthetic aspect. It is also a good solution for coastal areas as aluminum is not affected by corrosion and rust. These signs are 100% designed and manufactured at our facilities which allows us to control the quality of these signals along all the process.



VISEVER launched a new range of optical traffic signs. With this innovative products we assure a maximum quality device and a very fast technical support, things that our customers  consider a priority in this type of signages and we detected it is not easy to find in the market.


Visever S.L.

Headquarters, Administration and Factories

C/ Arquímedes 2, Polígono Industrial
02600 - Villarrobledo (Albacete) - España
+34 967 14 51 62
Visever is part of: ACEX    AFASEMETRA
Empresa beneficiaria de las subvenciones de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha: Ayudas -Adelante Inversión- para el fomento de la inversión y la mejora de la productividad empresarial.
Proyecto incentivado con una subvención cofinanciada en un 80% por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional.
Objetivo del proyecto: Conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo.
© Visever S.L. 2025.

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